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Morrisville Little League

Baseball Divisions

Morrisville Little League is proud to offer Baseball Programs for players starting at 3.5 years old to 16 years old.

All ages referenced for each Division are based on the player's age as of August 31 of each year.  Please refer to Little League International's website for more information on Ages and how to determine your player's age.  


Rookie Division (Intro to Tee Ball)

Eligibility: First year players ages 4 or 5.
Purpose:  This is an instructional division designed to introduce players to the fundamentals of baseball, including hitting, fielding, throwing the ball and running the bases.

Placement: Players are placed on a team by the League Player Agent and the Tee Ball Coordinator. 

Schedule:  Teams will play other Intro to Tee Ball teams within Morrisville Little League. Teams will typically play one game per week from mid-April through early-June.  The game will be held on Saturday. Coaches may also hold a practice each week.

Basic Structure:    Games last 3-4 innings.   Score is not kept.  Batters hit off the tee for the entire season.   Each 1⁄2 inning ends when each player on the team has had one (1) at bat.

Rookie Division Plan


A Division (Tee Ball/Coach Pitch)

Eligibility: Second year players ages 5 or 6.  If your child is 6 and enthusiastic about playing baseball, consider evaluations for AA (Transition) Baseball.  Contact the Division Coordinator(s) for more information.
Purpose: To teach players the fundamentals of hitting, fielding and throwing the ball and running the bases.

Placement:  Players are placed on a team by the League Player Agent and the Tee Ball Division Coordinator(s).

Schedule:  Teams will play other Tee Ball teams within Morrisville Little League. Teams will typically play two games per week from mid-April through early-June.  One game will be on a weekday and one on Saturday.  Coaches may also hold a practice each week. 
Basic Structure:   Games last 4-5 innings.  Score is not kept.  Batters hit off the tee for the first half of the season.  Coaches pitch for the second half of the season.  Each 1⁄2 inning ends when each player on the team has had one(1) at bat.

A Division Plan


AA Division (Transition)

Eligibility:  Players ages 6 or 7 who have played a total of 2 years in the Rookie & A divisions or players age 8, as drafted, or requested by parent.  

Purpose: The transition division is designed to aid in the transition from non-competitive T-ball to competitive baseball as played in the minor baseball division.  There should be progression toward player independence of on-field and continuous coaching as well as competitive play.

Placement:  All players will participate in Player Evaluations held by Morrisville Little League in early March.  Managers and Coaches will determine placement of players after the Player Evaluation.

Schedule: Teams will play other teams from Morrisville Little League. Teams will typically play two games per week from early April through mid June.  Teams will practice once per week.   

Basic Structure:  Coaches pitch to players the entire season.   Score will not be kept.  Games are typically 4 innings or a maximum of 1.5 hours.  Defensive Positions, Catching, and Outs are introduced at this level.

AA Division Plan


AAA Division (Minors)

Eligibility:  All players ages 9 and players age 8 and 10, as drafted.  Parents of 11 year old players may elect to have their child play in the minor baseball division. 

Purpose:  The Minors Baseball Division is designed to provide players with instruction and assistance with development while introducing the competitive aspect of the game.  This is accomplished by dividing the season into three sections: 1) spring training, 2) regular season, and 3) playoffs. 

Placement:  All players must attend evaluations and must be drafted to play at this level.  All teams are redrafted every year.  If a player does not attend tryouts then he/she cannot be drafted onto a team until all of the other players have been selected.  

Schedule:  Teams will typically practice 1-2 times per week and play two 6 inning games per week from early April through early June against other Morrisville Little League Minor Baseball Division teams.

Basic Structure:   Games last 6 innings. There is a two hour time limit (meaning no new inning shall start after 1 hour, 45 minutes from game start time).  Scores and standings are kept.  Players pitch the entire season.  Playoffs are held at the conclusion of the regular season.

AAA (Minors) Division Plan


Majors Division

Eligibility: All players ages 11 and 12 and players age 10, as drafted.  Parents of 11 year old players may elect to have their child play in the Minor Division.

The major baseball division is a competitive baseball league.  This division will also provide a high level of instruction and development.    The primary mission for this division will be to leverage the ability of each player in a competitive environment, while continuing to develop each player's baseball skills.   

Placement:  10 year old players and 11 and 12 year old players who did not play for a Major Division team in the prior season must attend evaluations and be drafted.  Once a player is drafted by a Major Division team, that player will reamin with the same team throughout their time in the Major Division. 

Schedule:   Teams will typically practice 1-2 times per week and play 2 games per week starting in early April and ending in early June.

Basic Structure:  Majors Division is a competitive division following Little League rules.  Scores and Standings will be kept.  Playoffs will be played at the conclusion of the regular season schedule.


Junior Division

Eligibility: All players ages 13 and 14. 

The Junior Baseball Division is a competitive baseball league.  This division plays on the large baseball field. (90 foot distance between bases).  This division will also provide a high level of instruction and development. 

Placement:  Players are placed on a team with other Morrisville Little League players via the annual draft which is held in late February/early March. 

Schedule: Teams will play other teams from leagues within Little League District 21.  These teams are typically from Bensalem, Bristol Boro, Bristol Township, Fairless Hills, Levittown International, Levittown Pacific, and Neshaminy.  Teams will typically play two games per week on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays (6pm start time) and Saturdays (various start times) from mid April through early June.  Teams will practice 1-2 times per week.  Home Games will be played on the Big Baseball Field at Williamson Park.  Away Games are played at the fields of the various teams in the league.

Basic Structure:    Games last 7 innings.  Scores and Standings are kept.

Junior Division Plan

Senior Division

Eligibility: All players ages 15 and 16. 

The Senior Baseball Division is a competitive baseball league that plays on the large baseball field. (90 foot distance between bases) This division will also provide a high level of instruction and development. 

Placement: Players are placed on a team with other Morrisville Little League players via the annual draft which is held in late February/early March.

Teams will play other teams from leagues within Little League District 21.  These teams are typically from Bensalem, Bristol Boro, Bristol Township, Fairless Hills, Levittown International, Levittown Pacific, and Neshaminy.  Teams will typically play two games per week on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays (6pm start time) and Saturdays (various start times) from mid April through early June.  Teams will practice 1-2 times per week. Home Games will be played on the Big Baseball Field at Williamson Park.  Away Games are played at the fields of the various teams in the league.

Basic Structure:    Games last 7 innings.  

Senior Division Plan

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